The baby is a….. !!!

If you’re wondering where I went, I have been busy this week with doctors, days off, and practicing for a song that I am singing on Sunday.

So Monday I found out that we are going to have a …. GIRL!!! Oh my goodness a girl! What am I going to do with a girl!? Oh my word Im crying lol. We are so happy and so excited. Steven just kept saying in the ultrasound “I am so happy” over and over. I cant believe it.

^ 17 weeks 4 days. HR:158

^ 17weeks 4 days HR:158

^ 16 weeks 6 days (ultrasound at work 😀 )

It is a little hard. After the ultrasound we got in the car and Steven said – “I just want to go home and cry for the rest of the day, I miss Seth”. Ive never heard him say anything like this before.

These next few months will be full of bittersweet moments as we must take the time to go through all of Seth’s things and sort out the neutral clothes and blankets from the boy ones.

Today Im going to hang out with a couple of my favorite girls from high school (from way back when lol… ok 3 years ago :D) and then try to go to Once Upon a Child (my FAVORITE store) and go through some of Seth’s things before choir practice tonight. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, cant wait to see the baby again (im assuming I will).

I guess I should get up and clean a little bit before I get ready for today. I laughed when Steven told me that the reason he has not put away the pile of his work clothes that are taking up the whole dining room table or washed one cup in the sink that he’s used all week- is because he has been busy…. Wow you mean I havnt worked all week and done all the laundry and been keeping up with everything? lol… I love men, they think they are getting away with so much with their AWFUL excuses. 😉

2 responses to “The baby is a….. !!!

  1. Yay for little girls! You better start crocheting some things for her.
    I can’t believe you are 17 weeks already 🙂

    • I know 18 today, its going by SOOO fast! I went to the doctor today and the baby was kicking and punching so hard that it took a long time for the doctor to get the heartbeat, shes so active… goodness its all going so fast lol :).

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