Monthly Archives: August 2013


I am soooo close to vacation! I get one week every four months to have off of school (4 of those days are off of work too!). It cannot come soon enough. I am stressing so bad. The only super … Continue reading

3 years of blogging? How did that occur?

Wow… I just randomly got on today and saw that I have had a blog for 3 years today! I cannot believe it!… I think I have only been active for 2 years really though. 

I was just thinking, I need to blog again :). 

I am SUPER busy with school but it is so worth it! I am learning so much. This week we touched on female pelvis and babies. I had a little bit of anxiety for a few minutes and thank goodness it passed. This time of year is my favorite as I have mentioned in the past but it is about now where I start getting anxiety. 

My baby’s birthday is coming up, my birthday, my husbands,moms, all of the holidays, and then my daughters first birthday a few days after Christmas…Its all going to be a huge rush of months now.

It has been stressful between school and life in the last few months but I have to keep going. I am also realizing that I have been so blessed. I have a job, a baby, an amazing education (that is in process lol). I have so much to be thankful for. 

Next month is my hardest class and the 25th is Seth’s birthday. I am so sad just thinking about it approaching. How will I handle it in school? Will I have anyone to talk to that actually cares? …. There are just so many feelings. Should I go visit the cemetery, will I be able to function around Brea. The feelings just never go away. Every year it is the same. And every day it is a struggle to be ok with what happened. 

I am glad in a way that I have a day every year to remind me of how much joy Seth brought to our family and how he pulled us together. This is his day every year and it will always be his day!

I must remember to thank God through and through for my health, my family, my food, my shelter, my life.  It may not have been the way I wanted it, but it is the way it was meant to be. And it is this way for a reason. With this said, God will take care of everything. 

He says, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Rest is what I need to do (and study lol). 

P.s.- I passed my state board SPI physics exam and am officially 1/2 licensed for ultrasound.  Bring on the rest of school so I can get my job!

extra p.s. – lol… heres my baby doll
