Tag Archives: dog

Uncharted territory, 34 weeks

Well, We have come to 34 weeks, about the time that I had Seth in September of 2011. From here on out, this is all new to me. The bigger baby, the heavier feeling. It is all very welcome but I am ready to have this baby. Im ready to meet my daugther. I went to my specialist today. He said that everything is looking good but my blood pressure is still borderline at home. I just have to keep taking it daily and all. I asked about the baby’s weight. I am a little concerned because well- the baby is almost 6 pounds!!!! HOLY MOLY. Ok, so shes exactly 5lbs 10 oz to be exact and is 18 in long. Seth was born at 34 weeks and weighed 5 lbs exactly and was 19.5 in long. So The doctor said that she will probably be on the big side of the average scale (shes running in the 80th percentile) but in a way it is good news. HOW?? (a freaked out mother like me would ask lol), he said that usually hypertension causes a baby to be small so at least we know that my blood pressure is not effecting the baby because she is a little large. To that I replied- so what kind of weight are we looking at here?  The doc said that he does not want me to go past 39 weeks (Im measuring a week ahead anyways) so if they schedule me to have the baby between 38 and 39 weeks he’s guesstimating a baby around 8.5 pounds…. (!!!! HOW AM I GOING TO DO THAT???) lol… I guess it sounds scary but it is only scary because this is really happening, Im so close and Im really going to have a baby :D.  Ill be 38 weks on Dec. 28th and it is my goal to have this baby no later than the 30th lol… Ill be doing all kinds of jumping jacks and squatting and walking. I cant wait- Im 4 weeks away from having this baby (most likely). It would be cute to have a Christmas baby but honestly- I want to enjoy my Christmas food- ugh I cant wait, it just sounds so good thinking about it (the food). Man all of this baby day dreaming is getting me all crazy :).

Wow I have so much to do! washing, fixing the baby’s room up, baby shower…. Speaking of, I am having my baby shower on Saturday. I was not excited until today. (this may get confusing) I work at a hospital, all of our local hospitals (4 of them) are owned by the same company, I work at a central/south location. Well today I went to the main campus downtown (where my mother in law works) because one of the cardiologists was having a baby shower and I made her a little owl security blanket and got her a few gifts. (I freakin love this doctor she is sooooo cute!) Anyways it was so much fun to see her smile and have a good time! I am glad that I went because it kind of put me in the mood for my own; I have not at all been wanting to have a shower. Thankfully my mother in law is helping out with the cake and punch and some early arrivers will help me set up the decoration stuff. Im just so excited that its so stinking close now lol. I feel like I have sooo much to do and so little time to do it! Really my husband is the one who has all the work to do. :).

In home news, we are all moved it, it is not exactly as organized as I want but Oh well, I cant do much at this point with limited bending and such. Aida (our husky), has adjusted well. She sleeps alot but Im soooo glad to see her feeling a little better. I think she was sad about leaving the other dog that she hung out with at my in laws but that was a great growing experience for her. She has had no accidents in the week that she has been here. The only thing is that she was not eating at all… unless is was human food and I didnt want to give her any till she started to eat her dog food. Well FINALLY today I took her for a walk and when we came back she went to her food bowl and ate her food (VICTORY IS MINE!). So proud of my baby girl :). She even has been loving on me and sleeping next to my side of the bed the last two nights because Ive been sick (she never sleeps on my side, she loves her dad so much). I had a fever last night and yesterday I was just sick all day long and she just slept right next to me and never left my side, shes still sleeping next to me as I type this.. I love that girl 🙂

Ok, Ill stop all my crazy talk, I really need a nap so I can rid this awful sinus thing I got going on.

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most wonderful woman in the world, my MOMMA! Im so happy to have you around and I hope it was a good day. I owe you a cake when Im feeling better and I have no chance of contaminating it and getting you sick 🙂

Vacation….Re-do please?

Well, we’re back from vacation. Im very very very greatful that we got away but a little disappointed that my only chance for a long time to get away, turned out a little crappy lol.

So Sunday night/Monday steven had some business to take care of, some stressful business but either way we got that all settled. Monday Night we went to do laundry so we could leave Tue. for vacation and the washer broke- that should have been a sign. Good thing Steven is a handyman, he fixed it. Tuesday we left and got to our hotel. It was dusty and gross and the Jacuzzi was colder than the pool which sucked cause we wanted to relax in the water but it was too cold out.  Wed and Thur we went to Universal/Islands of Adventure.  Wed. it rained (of course). Thursday was nice but the water rides chaffed my legs up to the max (ugh PAIN). Today (Fri) we were set to head to another town to maybe go to a spring or something and our dog feeder told us at the last minute :oh, Im deciding to go on vacation while your on vacation…. ok, UGH…nothing like last minute. So we had to head home 2.5 days early from vacation. I was a little more than mad because this is my last chance to relax for a long time and of course everyone else gets to enjoy their time off but not Hollie, no way, she should not get all her time to do something she wants to do…. So we come home and someone jacked up our boat trailer so we cant take the boat out tomorrow. There was a jury summons waiting for me in the mail. And of course now were stuck at home for the weekend with no plans because our vacation was cut short. 😦 ….*sigh* Im just stressed. I want some me time. I want to be selfish for once and do stuff JUST FOR ME and not think about anyone else… is that too much to ask for? Out of my 8 days off work I got to get away for 2 and one of those days it was raining so…fun…

Anyways, our xbox games came in the mail while we were gone (YAY) but Steven is hogging the system up with 1 player games so I guess Ill have to wait to play my games later. I got Kinect raving rabbids (YAY) and Kinect Dance central and Call of Duty 4 modern warfare (idk why steven dosnt like that one)… I think im most excited about raving rabbids, that thing is FUN :). Im praying MAYBE we’ll get to go fishing tomorrow, Steven dosnt like to take me 😦 but I really want to, OR, it would be nice to take the dogs to the dog beach, AIDA loves the dog beach and the water. Last time we were there though there was a shark in the water and it was quite scary cause she was just a puppy and I was freaking out trying to get her back on the land.

So… Lets call it a weekend and just relax before work and school start on Monday, yuck.

Weight loss- day two

OK, day two of exercising….

last night we (mother in law and I) did chest, back and abs for P90X.

Tonight is Plyometrics. I woke up this morning and did 30 minutes on the elliptical with a heart rate of like 170 for most of the time. Man I feel beat up still from last night. I cant wait to start dropping the pounds. Now that Im on the wagon (I hope I dont fall off), Im thinking of all the great benefits exercising will have. Better health, future baby, attracted husband (lol), and good self esteem. So, go weight, go :).

So I have today off work. Not every day will I be able to do the extra cardio but when I can I will.

Todays list:

Get myself looking decent for public (lol), pay rent,phone,some med bills, pick up vitamins and folic acid, (dont forget to pee in my container for my kidney test), dishes, homework, crochet. I should make dinner somewhere in there but I doubt I will, I hate cooking, I dont know how we eat honestly.

So, guess I got a lot to do, going to start.

Later today:

Went and got my vitamins. The doctor said he dosnt care what vitamins they are, even if they are flinstones thats ok so… I got sour flinstone gummies!!! AND they taste good!!! Got some folic acid and ate the sandwich for lunch and will eat the salad for dinner if my husband dosnt first 🙂

I painted my nails too 🙂

good day :)…

OH and this is random but I need to show you pictures of the other day, we went on the boat, FUN!

Ugh, I love my aida baby, she is soooo cute! lol. Wish I knew how to upload videos, I have some funny ones. So if you know how to feel free to leave step by step instructions lol. 


There went the week again

So Im feeling pretty bad right now. Really bad headache. Dizzy…. Ive been having high blood pressure, who knows why, Im not old and Im not overweight. Maybe stress but even when I really do feel really calm, I still have high blood pressure. idk, if Steven comes home and I still feel bad I might go to convinient care to get it checked out. I have a Maternal Fetal Medicine appt. on Monday to do bloodwork and talk to me about what I have I guess.. Idk what really is going to happen lol.

So last Sunday Steven and I took the dogs out to a park… and THIS is why I LOVE where I live and couldnt move away, Im a nature girl all the way.

Ugh it was beautiful and the dogs LOVED it! They swam, (as we watched very closely for alligators) They ran all over, and of course loved the wind in their faces on the buggy. It was beautiful. There were cows and deer and birds and yes, alligators.

Then Tuesday I went to joanns to buy some yarn to make some baby hats cause we started a group at church to make things for people in hospitals, stillbirths, homeless, etc. and while standing in line, I heard this music. It became louder and louder. I stepped out of line like a crazy woman and walked towards the music. It was soft and familiar. *Flashbacks*. Hospital, contractions, push, baby, family, cry, wheelchaired to car empty handed….. It was the same music I had steven’s parents bring from home to play for me while I was in labor. Steven religously played it for me over and over till I asked him to turn it off (long after he was sick of it). It caught me. Out of no where, completely triggered every smell, sound, touch, and thought of that day. I didnt cry. But I wandered back toward the checkout line silently, staring at the ground.

Here are the hats Ive made so far, the yellow is more of a child size and the pink is a preemie hat.

We went on the boat yesterday. Steven saw a manatee, of course I didnt lol. It was nice out.

I have to work this weekend so lots of homework, a little crocheting. Next month I have off school cause I dont have any classes scheduled (YAY). I hope to do a lot of crocheting. It would be SO much fun to open an ETSY shop! :D.

❤ anyways, my head hurts,Im gonna go for now.